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31 July 2010
6 photos :) 11:08 PM

Was looking for 6 photos for graduation book and felt a huge sense of nostalgia. After days of searching I finally selected the photos!

1. Me and lizzie doing schoolwork at macs!

2. Simin and me: parade orderly for POP.

3. Audrey and me: ACT II!

4. Liling, shuwen and me: after danzage'10 :)


6. Spiritus'10 6c12 OGLs. :)

30 July 2010
哭雨 2:52 PM


孤单的夜晚 回想过去
分手的那天 下起了雨
只说了一句 未曾爱过
这种感情 是个错
不知不觉又 失去自己
眼泪渗透着 你的气息
拥抱着过去 拥抱着你
但越是靠近 就越想逃离
曾经我为爱 伤了自己
只怪我太傻 才轻易相信了你
绝不再为爱 放纵自己
我也不会 再想起你

BlogPress for iPhone

22 July 2010
5:03 PM





BlogPress for iPhone

17 July 2010
3^3 is not equal to 9 10:55 PM

Went to study at Esplanade library today, and met a lot of people! There was liyang and xingzi, then liyang and tianjun. xD Spent my whole afternoon doing maths... omg I don't know how I'm gonna survive maths paper on tuesday. At least I cleared quite a few concepts and made so many repeated blunders I'm determined not to commit them again! Like... "3 to the power of 3 is 9!!" (I exclaimed it real loudly in the library) and "45/5pi = 9pi" ._.

Heh, but on the whole it was quite productive la. At least I didn't have to leave attempted questions hanging without finding the correct answers. xD Thanks to the maths guru next to me. :)

10 July 2010
Despicable me! 10:56 PM

Met Ben for the first time today. Had lots of fun, it felt like june hols proper! :) Shokudo, movie, yoghurt, flea market, taka food fest, royce. And I rmb one epic thing we did today, we kept trying to open a single toilet (for both genders) which had someone inside! xD Well we thought it was a toilet with many cubicles hahaha.

And, DESPICABLE ME was sooo cute haha! Love the minions! :D

09 July 2010
兄妹 11:18 AM

對我好 對我好 好到無路可退 可是我也很想有個人陪
才不願把你得罪 於是那麼迂迴
一時進 一時退 保持安全範圍 這個陰謀讓我好慚愧
享受被愛滋味 卻不讓你想入非非

就讓我們虛偽 有感情別浪費 不能相愛的一對 親愛像兩兄妹
愛讓我們虛偽 我得到於事無補的安慰 你也得到模仿愛上一個人的機會
殘忍也不失慈悲 這樣的關係你說多完美

眼看你 看著我 看得那麼曖昧 被愛愛人原來一樣可悲
為什麼竟然防備 別人給我獻媚
不能推 不能要 要了怕你誤會 讓我想起曾經愛過誰
我所要的他不給 好像小偷一樣卑微

就讓我們虛偽 有感情別浪費 不能相愛的一對 親愛像兩兄妹
愛讓我們虛偽 我得到於事無補的安慰 你也得到模仿愛上一個人的機會
殘忍也不失慈悲 這樣的關係你說多完美