18 August 2007
Air rifle course
5:57 PM

Today's air rifle course was fun! But I had a bad gun, so things didnt turn out too well for me. It was the middle gun, and when the instructor exchanged guns for me, I could fire much much better! >.< I liked shooting the cans though. It's so cool when you can actually aim properly! Haha. :)
After that went compass point with audrey, tzuhsiang and leesimin to walk around after the lesson. It ended like 2hrs early lol. Went minitoons where audrey went all crazy with her strawberry cake plushie which looked exactly like the one on her hp. And I hinted to her that she could get me a horse-head stick for my b'day. *hinthint* Haha the pink bear stick was also very cute too! Hehex took neos with audrey later. /th and simin didn't want to take with us! :( We wanted to do a gun pose and write "air rifle", but the sengkang neo machine was really bad. We took 2 times, and this was like the only photo which turned out fine. We had alot of nice poses can! But there was no time for deco and the printer was just bad. Most of the neos turned out like this:

Obviously, the photo was like blur and dim. It's not audrey's scanner's fault! And i only half deco-ed this pic before I skipped to the other pics to add a border for them each just before time was up. It's so sad! But anyway it's cheap la. We took at 2 neoprint machines altogether, one was $4 which turned out horrible (my face was like almost everything cut- we stood too front) while the other machine was $1 more. Audrey says "Yi fen qian yi fen huo la". Yeah, guess I agree with that too. After that we walked around a little, and saw Montip. Haha this was the 1st time we went to a Montip store! Stopped there for awhile to get some accessories and just looked around. And I still managed to get home by 4plus! The actual thing should end at 4.30pm, and I reached home at 4.20pm! Lol.
Oh, gotta start doing hw now. Byebye. :)
14 August 2007
7:00 PM
Lizard got herself a yellow phone! Lol I know this's random, but I wanted to mention it ytd, but didn't have time to blog. Ytd we went for an excursion for bsp at bugis. It was a free and easy thing, so simin, wanyu and I just walked around the fu lu shou complex and another building that sells alot of fengshui stuff before we sneaked off to og. We went to the jap food section. They sell lots of nice jap snacks and chocolates! :) After that when we were dismissed we went bugis junction for awhile. Saw a whole set of Jane Austen's collection of 4 books. It's so cool! I've always wanted to read Persuasion.
Lol. Today I was in the mrt doing my math remedial hw when a random guy sitting beside me suddenly helped me. At first I didn't know he was talking to me.
Me: (Struggling on a math sum)
Guy: "The 6 can be split up into 2 and 3, right?"
Me:(Didn't know he was talking to me)(Look up and saw him smiling at me)
Me: Huh?
Guy: The 6 can be split up into 2^2n and 3^2n.
Me: Erm... yeah. (Stares at my paper)
Guy: Can I help?
Me: Haha err okay.
Guy: (Takes my pen and starts writing on my notebook) Is this draft or what?
Me: Oh it's draft.
Guy: You see... ... (Scribbles a whole string of numbers and 'n's) and you get the answer.
Me: Oh haha okay. (Smiles)
Guy: (Returns notebook to me)
I started on another sum after that. Then I heard him talking to his friend who was standing up. Didn't really bother to listen to the details, but roughly heard sth like I was a year3 or sth. He and his friend alighted at city hall I think. The only thing I'm bothered abt would be that I didn't say thank you. I think so. I was like so ashamed of my poor math then! Yeah so I didn't really say much to him or anything. I didn't even look at him much, I was feeling shy. But I'm really grateful that he helped me. :)
Gee, got lots of stuff to do today. I need to study for physics test, do some math stuff, history source-based qns and Macbeth essay. Gotta go now, byebye :)
11 August 2007
Routine training cum maintenence day
10:55 PM
Gosh! I'm beat. Had a long tiring day. First sat rt with my std2s. Umm things didn't turn out very well for me. But sigh. I'll try to improve. >.< Maintenence day was super tiring, but rewarding! Although I spent most of my time helping admin with their noticeboard. But generally it was a totally sweaty and stinky thing (after carrying so many things that were untouched for a very long time up and down the grandstand). Nvm. We ended up with a nice and neater sj room (or so I thought). Maintenence day ended 1.5hrs later, which made Ms Lee very unhappy. :/
Lol. I tried out the cucumber beauty method just now. It didn't really do much. I was lying on my sofa with two pieces of cucumber on my eyes which I'd stolen from my dad when he was chopping them ytd. Besides feeling abit chilled on the eyes (it was straight from the fridge), it didn't really do much after I removed them abt half and hour later. Anyway I was all tired after 1 whole day of, so the cucumber refreshed my eyes abit. And I managed to complete my chem hw after that! Ahh. Still have physics to tackle! >.< And film project. My sundays are busy days! :(
Yup yup. Guess that's abt all for today. Byebye~
10 August 2007
Belated nat.day wishes
10:21 PM
"The King and I" was a brilliant show. I loved the way how Brianna Borger (Anna) sang. She was good! Haha and the King Mongkut was really funny! I loved all the music and songs. The children were so cute! I love musicals. :D But it's sad, my mum can't appreciate musicals. She actually fell asleep! >.< Gee, I have "I whistle a happy tune" stuck in my head now! Oh we were just 1min early that day. I went to meet my mum late, 'cos there was smc meeting and I had to rush back home to prepare myself and stuff.
Oh, and ytd's NATIONAL DAY! Happy belated b'day SINGAPORE! Omg I love my country. Didn't get to watch the parade live, but I didn't mind 'cos I was sitting on my comfortable sofa. Haha but the whole thing was really cool, especially the fireworks falling from mthe bridge. And I love the songs too! The opera version of "Will you" was cool! Haha I've just started a liking for opera singers. The King and I had alot of opera singing too, or so I thought.
Lol haven't done much hw for these two days. Having a lot of fun! Lol guess I gotta get starting soon! :)
07 August 2007
10:26 PM
Hehex, measured height and weight today. Both me and natalie grew 1cm! I've achieved my round amt of 160cm! :D Omg we were over the moon :D Lizard lost weight, and she was happy abt that. Denise lost her 1kg which she grew ytd night when she ate too much, and was upset. I was abit upset too, because I grew 1kg. But I expected it la haha, and I don't exactly bother too much abt my weight anyway. Anyway we became quite high for floorball. The jap people were good! >.<
Yay, both worrying tests are over today. Bio was pretty fine, but math no! >.< I used the wrong methods, but it was because I didn't study. Aww it's so wasted! I understood this topic! And I finished both sakubuns which I owe sensei too! :) So now I just have to do my chem stuff. Having abit of trouble with it though. Mole concept is just getting more complicated.
OOH yes, I'm watching King And I tmr! Yippee!
Yup, guess that's abt all for now. Happy national day celebration people :)
02 August 2007
Boring day
10:55 PM
Hmm. Was quite sleepy in school today. I mean, I'm normally more awake. But haha, just felt a bit lethargic today. Nothing much happened in school today. Chem was abit confusing though, the mole stuff.
Gee, I had to redo my jap compo 'cos it went completely out of point. The title was "to receive help" and I somehow misinterpreted it as " to provide help". AHH! It was so embarassing when sensei called me up.
Anyway I was telling cindy how cool it is that we are the only ones that take 3rd lang in sj. But I hope it doesn't clash with my sj commitments! >.< Well, both of us decided that we shall continue on in sec4, and we would quit bsp next yr, so that our mondays would be free. :)
Ahaha i just re-did my jap compo! That was quite efficient of me. But I have passion in jap, so maybe that's what's pushing me on. But I'm not so good at the communicating part though, 'cos my vocab is limited. Siya told me to watch anime, that would help me in my jap vocab. But I have no time! >.< Haha but anime's really a good way to learn some casual jap speech.
Okay, guess that's about all. Byebye!